Today, fill your cup of life with sunshine and laughter.

23 November 2006


I'm going to keep it short and simple. My blog theme this week is relationships. I got the idea from the very poignant Chris Reeve quote at the top there. Plus, today is Thanksgiving in the USA, and even though I'm not an American, I have some very close friends who are. So, in their honour, here are 13 relationships that I am thankful for:

1. My son Brennan. He came into my life as a gift, and has enriched my life immeasurably ever since. I love you, Booboo.

2. My brother Eric (Bubba). If ever I needed to know that someone had my back, all I had to do all my life was look to you. You're still doing it. Thank you for all that you are.

3. My grandmother, Christiana. If there was one person in my life who made me into the person I am today, it would be you. You accepted me and loved me unconditionally all my life. You taught me what is important in the world, and what is just window dressing. I miss you every day, Gram.

4. My oldest friends, Juanita, Angy, Rhonda, Francois-Xavier, Sylvain. My support system here at home. We may be involved in our own lives right now, but we've always been there for each other when it mattered the most. Thank you for still being my friends even when we can't be together.

5. My newest friends, Vinny, Anndi, Sue, Dana, and all those members of the Soul Patrol with whom I've shared so much of my life this year. You have changed me, opened me up to new possibilities. I can't name every one of you here, but your names are imprinted on my heart forever.

6. My parents. Mom and Dad, you didn't always understand me, but I've always known you love me. Thank you for everything you've been, every value you've modelled. And thank you especially for so readily accepting Brennan and demonstrating love to him.

7. My colleagues and friends, Robin, Abbey, Debbie, Erica, Monique. You've been there for me so many times when I needed a distraction from life's little vagaries.

8. My band and choir members. This may sound weird, but I love my job with a passion that knows no bounds. The job itself is like a most delicious cake, but the kids involved in my extracurricular endeavors, well, they are the icing on the cake. This is where I get to know them on a more individual basis. This is where I can do the most good. This is where they really touch my heart.

9. My students. Sometimes they are angels, sometimes they test my patience. Through it all, they are themselves in a way adults seldom are. I get to know them as they are developping into the people they will be for the rest of their lives. If I am lucky, they remember some of what I teach them: to mind their manners; to work hard; how being kind costs nothing but repays huge dividends; to leave things behind you a little bit better than they were before you arrived. Yeah, I teach music, too, but there's so much more than that to my job.

10. My niece and nephew. Rachel and Nick, you were "my" kids before Brennan came along. I am so glad you are a part of our lives.

11. Mandy and Daisy. You have been my comfort and my security for so many years. I know you are "just" dogs, but my life would have been so empty without you. Mandy, we miss you, pumpkin.

12. Richard. Many of the people who read this will have never heard your name, or previously known of the impact you have had on my life. When you took me on as a student, no one was more astounded than I was. Everybody knew you only accepted the most gifted pianists. I don't know if you saw something in me that no one else ever had, but within a year, you had molded me into something more than simply adequate. I know it disappointed you when I ended my career as a concert pianist, but we all know now that my destiny was preordained, and you have forgiven me for becoming a lowly teacher, haven't you? I've only told you this a couple of times, mon ami: Je t'aime, mon cher prof.

13. My ex-husband. Some of you may find it odd that I included him here, but it is for a very good reason. Thank you, Dave, for showing me all the things I don't want in my future relationships. It may have taken me eleven years to learn that particular lesson, but my life is mine now, in a way it never was before, and I have your (albeit difficult) lessons to thank for the recent changes in my world.


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

WOW! Tremendous TT Coco...
Each comment made me smile or tear... Having never heard of Richard, I now know the name of your mentor... the person who shaped your future and he should be extreme;ly proud.. though you one comment is so WRONG- never a lowly teacher...
And #13.. I understand it perfectly...though you should have used his real name (slug-nut) LOL sorry

Anndi said...

So yesterday Trav told you.. you are a writer.. he is quite right.

And today I tell you, you are a friend. That was a fantastic TT!

Meribah said...

It's good to see that you have so many positive influences in your life, Coco. May they be a ray of light during the darkest of days. Hugs to you!

Lynn said...

Thank you for your post Coco. Isn't is ironic that some of the most important lessons in life are the hardest and sometimes the most painful to learn? Whas up with that?

Keep on keepin' on.

Unknown said...

Great list, Coco! And you mean so much to me too :)

Travis Cody said...

My dear, I thank you for the gift of such insights into your soul. You are treasured and you deserve each and every happiness you find.
