Today, fill your cup of life with sunshine and laughter.
24 December 2007
i have sent my son over to a friend's house while i deal with this. He's too excited and happy about Santa coming tonight to need to see mommy ccry. i don't want to ruin that. when i get done writing, i will probably be able to cry but i haven't yet, except the ones that came into my eyes with the initial shock. it hasn't really become real yet.
viewing will be on Boxing Day and the funeral the following day. i don't know how i'm going to get through that, but i will. Kim is going to need her friends. Jesus, she just lost her mom in May. and now her son. and Dana was such a sweetheart. he used to clear my car off for me after school when it snowed, just because. he was going to be getting married in the summer and they just bought a house in Shepody. and Chris' grandparents ... i don't know how they're going to cope with this loss. they raised him because joyce couldn't. he was such a hellion, but so good for Beth and Herb. i know too much about these kids. they and their families are too damned close to me.
from all accounts, it was a horrible accident. it rained here last evening then went real cold, so we had black ice. they were travelling on a back road near the community where i teach. they lost control and went over an embankment into the river. Jesus, it's not even certain at this point if they died from impact related injuries or if they drowned.
i just looked for the article on the web. they don't have all the information, but it's there. i'll plug it in here. Peter Murphy is the husband of one of my best friends. she's the one who called me.
*.*. villages mourn loss of 3 young men
Last Updated: Monday, December 24, 2007 11:31 AM AT
CBC News
Residents of several small villages in southeastern ********* were in mourning Monday after three young men were found dead in an overturned car in an icy river on the weekend.
Dozens of residents from ********** have visited the site of the accident at a dam in the nearby community of ********* since the car carrying the men was discovered Sunday morning.
The RCMP identified the victims Monday as Dana B, 23, of *******, Shawn W, 25, of ********* and Christopher I, 25, of *********.
Volunteer fire Chief Peter Murphy said it has been a shock for those in ***********, since most of the community's 320 residents knew the victims.
"It's been a tragic blow to the community, particularly with the time of year," said Murphy.
Police said the car veered off a snow-covered back road late Saturday night just outside the village and plunged into the frigid water.
The bodies were discovered trapped in the upside-down car Sunday morning in about six metres of water.
A friend discovered the car after the trio didn't show up at a party. The three had been at another party earlier in the night.
The RCMP were still investigating the cause of the crash on Monday, but said the weather was probably a factor.
"We're unsure of what the driving conditions were at the time. Clearly it was winter driving conditions. We're not sure what caused the men to miss the turn and end up in the water," said Sgt. Derek Strong.
He said investigators are waiting for the results of autopsies to determine if alcohol or drugs were a factor.
06 December 2007
1. Guillaume Dufay *Ave Maris Stella* polyphony from the early part of the Renaissance.
2. Palestrina *Missa Papae Marcelli - Gloria* homophony from the middle Renaissance Era.
3. Thomas Morley *Sing We And Chant It* madrigal from the end of the Renaissance Period.
4. Caccini *Ave Maria* monody from the Transition Period between the Renaissance and the Baroque Era. (performed by countertenor Slava Kagan-Paley)
05 December 2007
Love of my life
I don't have a lot to give you
What's in my heart
Is all that I can really give you
Love, undying love is all I have
A handful of words,
that might make you laugh
And all the strength you need
To make it through
All your troubled times
I give all of myself to you
Only you
My dream come true
Love of my life
You were all I ever wanted
To be with you
Is all I ever really wanted
You, you've made my life a fairy tale
You've added love,
to a life that was so stale
And know that I'll be here
Always for you, when you need a friend
I give all of myself to you
Only you
My dream come true
I've been waiting my whole life for you
Now my waiting is through
All the nights I spent dreaming I knew
That my dream would come true
So many nights
I laid awake dreaming I knew
One day I'd be with you
Now i find myself dreaming anew
Cause my dream has come true
Dream come true
My dream has come true
30 November 2007
27 November 2007
Devise a list of 5-10 courses you would take to fix your life. It's more fun to be in classes with friends, so include one class from the person who tagged you that you'd also like to take. Tag five.
Okay, so ... I maintain that my life is nearly perfect. Then again, I'm in love, and everything looks beautiful to me right now. Even spiders ... okay, not spiders (evil, vicious monsters from hell that they are), but everything else. But I guess, in reflection, that there are a few things that I could work on to make things even better than they are.
First, I had to choose a course that Vinny conceived. Let me interject here that I can't imagine anyone that I'd enjoy taking a course with more than Vinny. I think He'd be a blast to study with, and I'm pretty sure He'd be the perfect balance between class clown and serious student. In fact, I liked the idea so much, I decided to take two courses with Him. Besides, I figure I might be able to get Him to share His gravy recipe with me if I have enough time to work on Him..
The first one is Vinny's Time Management class. I mean, who couldn't use a little more balance in their lives. I'd like to figure out how to spend as much time with Mac and my little guy as I can, do a good job at work, and still have time left over for my friends and other family, with maybe a little time in there to clean house occasionally.
Second, through circumstances which are beyond my control, I will be spending Christmas Day alone this year. My parents are going on a cruise, my brother's family will be in Florida with Mickey, Mac is going to Colorado to spend the holidays with His daughters, and my son will be spending Christmas Day with his daddy's family. A little bit of Vinny's Holidays Without Your Son 101 might come in handy, slightly modified to Holidays Without Your Loved Ones ...
Okay, so now I've got to come up with three more courses ...
This would be an excellent one for me, and if it existed, I'd definitely enroll: Overcoming Body Issues. I've never been happy with the way I look. Not that I'm a dog or anything (I've never understood that comparison, because I think dogs are beautiful creatures) but I'm perpetually conscious of the extra weight I carry, if I'm having a bad hair day, my freckles, scars, short nose, you name it. Mac has done a lot to help me overcome that, because He thinks I'm beautiful, even on my worst days, but the issues are still there and I wish they weren't.
Staying in Focus is another course from which I would benefit greatly. I have an artistic temperament, and all that entails. I'm creative, and my mind runs on several different tracks at once. When I'm at my best, I can juggle 9 or 10 tasks all at the same time and keep things moving along quite satisfactorily. However, those instances are rare, and more often than not, when I am faced with a new task, sometimes I forget what I was doing with the others and then have to review my processes in order to figure out how to keep going. Or worse, I forget there even WAS another task ...
See, this is what I mean. I got distracted and now it's two hours later, and before I can finish this thing, I have to go back and read what I wrote up to this point.
Okay, now I'm ready to finish this thing. I've been pretty serious up to this point, and I really don't feel I should buck that trend, so this is the final course I really feel would improve my life immeasurably. I know there are many who would agree. If I could, I would take a course in Shoe Shopping. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find the perfect shoe without breaking the bank? Comfort squared plus style over economy times durability divided by time? The perfect combination is more complex than a scientific formula. Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Others, well ... you never will get it, but that's okay because you probably wear sneakers all the time anyway.
Now I'm supposed to tag some people, and I have no idea who's still in the blogging game these days, or who's been tagged, so I'll just say that if you haven't done it, you should, because it makes you realize how great your life already is and how nitpicky we have gotten these days. Then, after you do it, go earn grains of rice on Anndi's Luggage Warehouse for the hungry people in the world. Because those are the people who need our consideration. My problems are miniscule compared to theirs. How about yours?
23 November 2007

22 November 2007

And for my beloved Mac, someday, Sweetheart, as we are laying in each other's arms and I am singing softly to you, let us remember all the days I would "sing to you" by posting here. These songs are the embodiment of all my dreams, my hope, my wishes, my emotions. And they are all for you. You are my Best Friend, my Dream Come True, my Confidante, my Rock, my Lover ... You are truly my Everything. Every day, I am thankful for you. I love you, forever and beyond.
15 November 2007
Mac, this song is for you. You are the only one other than my son with whom I have ever shared it, as I always believed it was meant to be special. I love you, Sweetheart.
11 November 2007
31 October 2007

Something has changed ... a couple years ago, I started putting up lights, tombstones, corpses and laughing skeletons outside my home. Not one a hand-carved pumpkin, but clusters of them adorn my front and back verandahs. I even invested in a "ghostly sounds" cd and outdoor sound system so strange, eerie moans, screeches and laughs emanate from above the front door.
So what happened? My son discovered the joys of Hallowe'en. I make no excuses. I'm doing this for him. He was two and a half when he first realized the import of this day.

Around here, the stores don't believe in wasting a sales opportunity. July

smell my feet
give me something good to eat!
If you don't
I don't care
I'll pull all your underwear down!
10 October 2007
Six Classic Affairs
A married man was having an affair with his secretary.One day they went her place and made love all afternoon. Exhausted, they fell asleep and woke up at 8 PM.The man hurriedly dressed and told his lover to take his shoes outside and rub them in the grass and dirt. He put on his shoes and drove home."Where have you been?" his wife demanded."I can't lie to you," he replied, "I'm having an affair with my secretary. We had sex all afternoon.""You lying bastard! You've been playing golf!"
The 2nd Affair:
A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters but always talked about having a son.They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted. The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.He was horrified at the ugliest child he had ever seen.He told his wife, "There's no way I can be the father of this baby. Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered! Have you been fooling around behind my back?" The wife smiled sweetly and replied, "Not this time!"
The 3rd Affair:
A mortician was working late one night. He examined the body of Mr. Schwartz, about to be cremated, and made a startling discovery. Schwartz had the largest private part he had ever seen! "I'm sorry Mr. Schwartz," the mortician commented, "I can't allow you to be cremated with such an impressive private part. It must be saved for p osterity."So, he removed it, stuffed it into his briefcase, and took it home."I have to show you something you won't believe," he said tohis wife, opening his briefcase."My God!" the wife exclaimed, "Schwartz is dead?!?!"
The 4th Affair:
A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door."Hurry," she said, "stand in the corner. She rubbed baby oil all over him, then dusted him with talcum powder."Don't move until I tell you," she said. "Pretend you're a statue.""What's this?" the husband inquired as he entered the room."Oh it's a statue." she replied. "The Smith's bought one and I liked it so much I got one for us, too."No more was said, not even when they went to bed.Around 2 AM the husband got up, went to the kitchen and returned with a sandwich and a beer."Here," he said to the statue, "have this. I stood like that for two days at the Smith's and nobody offered me a damned thing."
The 5th Affair:
A man walked into a cafe, went to the bar and ordered a beer."Certainly, Sir, that'll be one cent.""One Cent?" the man thought.He glanced at the menu and asked, "How much for a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine?""A nickel," the barman replied."A nickel?" exclaimed the man. "Where's the guy who owns this place?"The bartender replied, "Upstairs, with my wife."The man asked, "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?"The bartender replied, "The same thing I'm doing to his business down here."
The 6th Affair:
Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. He looked up and said weakly, "I have something I must confess.""There's no need to," his wife replied."No," he insisted, "I want to die in pe ace. I slept with your sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!""I know, I know," she replied. "Now just rest and let the poison work."
05 October 2007
21 September 2007
13 September 2007
You Are An INFP |
![]() You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings. At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak |

12 September 2007

17 August 2007

15 August 2007
12 August 2007
10 August 2007
MIDDLE NAME MEME (thanks Trav)
Here's the rules:
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Well, I don't have the same problem that Trav had, since my middle name is short and easy. So here we gooooooooooooooo ......
R is for red, because that's my signature colour (as opposed to my favorite colour, which is green, but that doesn't start with R). I am never without at least a little bit of red clothing on my person, although you can't always see it ...
O is for oranges, which are my favorite fruit. Currently, the choice at our house leans towards those yummy seedless clementines that are easy to peel, but I'll eat just about any kind of orange.
S is for Scrabble. It's my favorite board game, and I will accept all realtime or online challengers because I love the game so much.
E is for Email. Hello, my name is Coco, and I'm an email addict. Yes, I check my email compulsively, about once an hour if I'm near a computer. The great thing about that is, I almost always have something! I used to be better at responding to all of it, too, but I've gotten out of that habit, thankfully. Wasn't getting anything else done. So now I only respond to personal correspondance, or work-related stuff.
So that's my middle name: ROSE. And just as an added bit of trivial, yellow roses are my favorite roses, although daisies are my favorite flower. Now, I'm supposed to tag somebody, but who? Okay, I'll shoot in the dark here, and tag Am, Anndi, Bond, Sue and TopChamp. Maybe one of them hasn't been tagged yet.
30 July 2007
1. Where is your cell phone? on my desk
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Mac the Knife
3. Your hair? long, curly, brown
4. Where is your father? home bugging mom.
5. Your favorite thing to do? play with Brennan
6. Your dream last night? can't remember it
7. Your dream car? yellow Jaguar convertible
8. The room you're in? cluttered music room
9. Who did you hang out with last night? Mac and Brennan
10. Your fears? spiders and ex
11. What aren't you good at? hiding my emotions
12. Muffins? never eat them
13. One of your wish list items? finalize the divorce
14. The last thing you did? petted the dog
15. Your computer? my life line
16. Your pet? Daisy the husky
17. You are wearing? halter top, cutoffs
18. Your life? better every day
19. Your mood? relaxed, on vacation
20. Missing? nothing at all
21. Your car? 2005 Toyota Matrix
22. What are you thinking about now? camping with Mac
23. Your work? french/music teacher
24. Your summer? playing with Brennan
25. Your relationship status? falling in love
26. Your favorite color(s)? green, red, cream
27. When is the last time you cried? late last night
28. When was the last time you laughed? two minutes ago
29. School? never stopped going
30. Favorite 90's group? barren, desolate wasteland
28 July 2007
Things I plan to do before I die
1. meet my dear, precious SP friends
2. adopt another child
3. write a novel
4. travel (anywhere at all would be fine)
5. be completely debt-free
6. go to a Van Morrison concert
7. get another degree, just for myself, not for the job
Things I can do
1. make my son laugh, any time
2. teach anyone to play the piano
3. curl my tongue into a tube
4. bake a perfect double chocolate cheesecake
5. create a child-sized replica of a tank out of a cardboard box and a wrapping-paper tube
6. read a 250-page novel in less than 2 hours
7. hold my breath underwater for 67 seconds
Things I can't do
1. type worth sh*t
2. swear without feeling guilty
3. stay angry at someone
4. play chords on a guitar
5. balance a chequebook
6. speak Spanish
7. understand rap music
Things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. gentleness (been the other route ... never again)
2. a positive attitude (nothing more depressing than spending time with someone who always sees the negative aspect of things)
3. intelligence (or else I get BORED)
4. self-awareness (knows who he is and what he wants and needs out of life)
5. eyes (the expression in them is more important than colour or shape)
6. the VOICE (intonation is everything)
7. big hands (um ... this is a purely sexual thing ...)
Things I say the most
1. aww geez
2. I love you
3. my day was going great till I looked in the mirror
4. baby, you're the greatest
5. i know you can do it
6. where'd I put my ___?
7. good night, sleep tight; angels watch over you till morning light; mommy loves you with all her might
Celebrity Crushes
1. Van Morrison (hey, nobody said they had to be sexual crushes ...)
2. Jamie Foxx (ahh hell ... everything about him)
3. Richard Gere (onscreen kisses that melt my fillings)
4. Gerard Depardieu (the aww-shucks demeanor, the accent, the nose ...)
5. Alan Rickman (the voice ...)
6. Rowan Atkinson (anybody who can make me laugh like that ...)
7. Bond (and we're not talking 007 here ...)
Songs I can't get out of my head
1. Yellow Submarine
2. Hit the Road, Jack
3. My Sharona
4. Hey Mickey
5. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (thanks a whole helluva lot, Staples Business Depot!)
6. Moondance
Things I do in the middle of the night but shouldn't
1. read trashy novels
2. get out of bed
3. check my email
4. check to see which of my friends are online (because I always end up chatting)
5. laundry
6. baking
7. talk on the phone to Mac
Things I'd bring to a deserted island
1. my son
2. Mac
3. full-equipped tool box
4. one of those crank-operated satellite radios
5. Swiss Army knife
6. first aid kit
7. waterproof matches
Shows on TV I follow
*I'm unable to fill this one out, because I haven't watched a tv show since May 2006
Reasons the world is better off that I don't carry a gun
1. PMS
2. the lines are too long at Tim Horton's in the morning
3. too many idiots with a license to drive
4. type A personalities bother me
5. the sign says 10 items or less, dammit!
6. I close my eyes when I pull the trigger
7. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool pacifist ...
Things I can't do without
1. my son
2. my friends
3. my dogs
4. laptop
5. bottled water
6. my Van Morrison cd collection
7. my piano
Things that make life worth living a little longer
1. my son
2. my friends
3. Mac
4. my dogs
5. my job
6. listening to the Blues
7. double chocolate brownie frozen yogurt
Things I used to do when I was younger but no longer do
1. drink excessively
2. smoke pot
3. jump the tracks in my car
4. go braless
5. live in an apartment
6. pull all-nighters
7. believe in "Happily Ever After"
Things that make it hard for people to like me
1. sometimes, I don't like myself very much, either
2. don't socialize much
3. tendency to hold myself back
4. shyness
5. don't trust people very easily
6. sarcastic
7. easily hurt and I withdraw
Stages I've gone through in my life
1. tomboy
2. girly-girl
3. teenybopper
4. band geek
5. university student
6. university professor
7. mommy
27 July 2007
So, I was cruising my way through blog heaven, avoiding my work, and I came across this old, forgotten, dusty place and thought to myself "Why not?"
Thank you to all the wonderful friends who have managed not to forget me since my "disappearance" from the pack. Not only that, y'all remembered my birthday. It touched me to receive all the best wishes and emails on Saturday.
Today is the last "official" day of school here. For me, it's the last day for the next four months, as I am scheduled for major surgery the day we are supposed to be coming back. Surprisingly, there is no apprehension in me about either the surgery or the enforced 8 week vacation following it. This is a good thing, this operation, and once I feel better, I'll want you to celebrate with me.
Tell me, what does everybody else do in summertime? My kid and I are taking a full 6 weeks to be "mommy and big boy" all over this wide, wonderful wilderness we call home. Everything from fishing to bullfrog hunting, visits to the zoo or the splash park, camping to biking, has made it onto our schedule. No school or thoughts of it for either of us. It's what a summer should be, right? Of course, I'm a teacher and that allows for all that marvelous time off, but I'm also going to be talking to him and preparing his four year old mind for the many days when mommy won't be able to take care of him after her surgery. It seems there have been far too many of those times in recent months ...
My computer time is going to be limited, too, because I am not going to let it interfere with the time I spend with my little guy. As it should be, I guess. Evenings after his bedtime are MINE, though, for feeding this unexpected addiction. Who knows, I may even come back to blogging. I've had a couple stories brewing in the back of my head for months now ... (sorry, Dana ... not Taylor-generated this time, I'm afraid)
All in all, despite three surgeries in the span of six months, life is good and every day brings something new to smile about. In the past year and a half, I have made some new lifelong friends and they bring me joy every day, just by their very existence. My job and my students are another source of happiness. How did I get so lucky? I fell into this job, almost literally, and have never once regretted it. Best of all, there is this shining light in my life that brightens every moment of every day for me. He may be only 4 years old, but my son is one of the most miraculous beings in the universe. Not perfect. Heaven knows, "perfect" people are usually anything but ...
So that's where I left off at the end of June and here we are the end of July already. How time flies. So my question for you all is: what are you doing with YOUR summer? Leave me you answers in the comments. Love you all. Be well.
26 July 2007
By the way? I dug down deep for some of these, so if you're easily shocked, DON'T GO ANY FURTHER (Dana???)
First, The Rules: We have to post these rules before we give you the facts ...
*Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
*People who are tagged write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
*At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. (note: the first 8 people who read this and heaven't yet been tagged, consider yourselves the chosen ones)
*Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog. (see, now I don't have to do that)
Now, without further ado, here's eight things about (drumroll) ... ME!
1. When I was 16, I broke my neck, between the C2 and C3 vertebrae, in a diving accident. I was lucky, because my swim coach was also a paramedic and kept me immobilized until the ambulance got there.
2. I was known as a real party girl my first two years of university. I never missed a beer garden or a house party and I guess I'm just lucky that I didn't lose my scholarship or end up pregnant.
3. I can play 22 musical instruments. I started out on the alto sax when I was 14, the piano when I was 15 and just kinda went from there. The instruments are: saxophone, clarinet, flute, oboe, bassoon, recorder, trumpet, trombone, french horn, tuba, violin, cello, double bass, guitar, bass guitar, piano, organ, marimba, drum kit, djembe, tin whistle and bodhran.
4. I didn't own a credit card until I was 39 years old, and only got one to simplify the adoption of my son.
5. I have recently become interested in the world of BD/sM and have met some wonderful, openminded people through internet and through local groups in the past two months. I am currently in a D/s relationship and have quite fallen in love with the lifestyle.
6. I was arrested in my early 20's for skinnydipping at a public beach. It was after dark and the beach was nearly deserted, but apparently my friends and I were not the first to have the idea.
7. I grew marijuana in my parents' back garden the summer between grade 11 and 12. They never knew what it was, and I never got found out, but I became a bit of a celebrity at school because of it.
8. About 18 months ago, I discovered I have a talent for writing a specific kind of literature. I have always enjoyed reading erotica, but it took having an online lover for me to discover that I could also write it. I have had 2 short stories published, and the magazine that published them has requested more of my work.
20 July 2007

11 June 2007
Well, here goes ... 12 songs I remember and relate to from the year I turned 18, some pretty decent, some eminently forgettable, some hideously schlocky. And a few memories ... I'll try to keep them PG.
Physical - Olivia Newton-John - some songs would have been better left unwritten. This, in my humble opinion, is one of them. I remember sweatbands and spandex at the clubs because of this song. 'Nuff said.
I Love Rock n' Roll - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - a throwback to 2-chord rock that really has nothing to do with music. Think tribal chant of the stoner crowd ...
Chariots of Fire theme - Vangelis - my mother loved this song. Need I say more?
Ebony and Ivory - Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder - two great music legends, one incredibly bland song. It sticks in my memory only because it took my boyfriend a month to understand the reference of ebony and ivory as pertaining to the piano, as well as to the racial differences of the two performers ... yeah, he really was that dense, but he was a cute hockey player. (Anndi understands this ...)
Don't You Want Me - The Human League - you know, after sitting on this particular post for a while, I STILL have no opinion about this song. It was real popular and I can even remember the words, but I don't remember it having that much of an impact, really, at least not on me ...
Open Arms - Journey - no THIS is what it was about for me! My first serious "not-a-high-school boyfriend" and I danced for the first time to this song at the first beergarden in my first year at university. He is a high school music teacher somwhere in Alberta now ... he played the trombone and it is true what they say about brass players ... GREAT kissers!
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor - this was my brother's "theme song" (no idea why) ... so on principal, I loved it, because my brother was (is) my hero. And, if you can imagine it, we played it in jazz band, too. I was first alto sax, and I had the melody, which was very cool.
Abracadabra - The Steve Miller Band - this is a great song, but I remember it primarily because of the filthy but funny parody my best friend wrote and PERFORMED for a school variety show (she got suspended for it ... lol).
Hard to Say I'm Sorry - Chicago - one of my favorite bands of all time ... there's just something about the sound of horns, ya know? Got to see them 5 years later which was definitely a high point in my life. I remember this song being one of the last Chicago songs featuring Peter Cetera's distinctive voice. I still miss that sound ...
Jack & Diane - John Mellencamp - most memorable for me because the girls who lived next door to me in residence my first year were named Jackie and Diane, and they played that song 24/7.
Up Where We Belong - Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - I remember the movie ... Richard Gere in uniform ... ohhhhh man ... wait?!? there was music?!?
Mickey - Toni Basil - I don't often get SCATHING about a musical endeavor, but this has GOT to be one of those songs (using the term loosely here, folks) that someone wrote to make a quick buck. It's a travesty how much popularity it garnered because of its insipid tune and empty-headed lyrics ... and I quote "Oh Mickey, you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind ..." Still blows MY mind ... cripes
10 June 2007
08 June 2007

Bond honey, you got me again ... at least it's helping me work through my blogger's b

I had the same problem with this meme as Vinny did: how to narrow the list down to "just five" ... so, because I knew that everybody else would be choosing from the "Guitar Gods", I decided to do something a bit different.
So, in no particular order, from a variety of music genres, here are 5 ... um well, actually ... 9 great Canadian guitar solos.
1. Rik Emmett (Triumph) --- TASTE OF STEEL
2. Jeff Healey --- SEE THE LIGHT
3. Colin James --- KEEP ON LOVIN ME BABY
4. David Wilcox --- THE BEARCAT
5. Bruce Cockburn --- WATER INTO WINE

6. Neil Young --- DEAD MAN
7. Alex Lifeson (Rush) --- CLOSER TO THE HEART
(also features a kick-ass bass guitar solo by Geddy Lee)
8. Robbie Robertson --- SHINE YOUR LIGHT
9. Lenny Breau --- THE NEARNESS OF YOU
12 May 2007
OK, here they are, courtesy of that sadistic mind over at the Couch:
1) You are a teacher of young minds. If you could change one thing about your classroom what would it be?
I became a teacher because I love two things above all else: music and kids. It balances out. On the days the kids are horrendous, I have my music to soothe me. When my music is uncooperative or uninspiring, the kids give me a reason to continue. And on those "Eureka" days with the kids, I have both. Why mess with a perfect balance? There is nothing I would change.
2) If you could select a career for your son, what would it be?
I would never presume to choose a career for my child. But given the question, I would choose for him something that would make him happy and fulfilled. Knowing his preferences and aptitudes right now, I would probably steer him in the direction of architecture (building blocks), construction (big trucks and heavy machinery) or professional sports (anything that involves a ball and running). He is, after all, a pretty typical 4 year old.
3) You play a multitude of instruments. If you were able to appear on stage; what venue would you choose, what instrument would you play, and what song would you perform?
This one was very difficult to answer, until this morning at 3 am when I was pondering how to respond to ANY of these questions. Suddenly, it hit me. My venue of choice would be Vinny's living room. The instrument? A kazoo. And I would perform "The Song That Never Ends".
Apparently, SOME people don't think a kazoo is a "real" musical instrument. LOL. So my second answer to this question is that I would love to play Gershwin's Piano Preludes, followed by Rhapsody In Blue, at Lincoln Center, probably at the Avery Fisher Hall, because I love the atmosphere there.
4) Tell us the one place you have never been to, but long to visit and why.
This was the most difficult question to answer. Not because there were no answers, but because there were so many possibilities. Narrowing it down seemed an insurmountable task. Then I began to think outside the box. I realized there was only one real answer, and it was one I had expressed many times before. The one place I long to visit doesn't really exist physically in one place, except in the hearts of the people who met there. I grew to love those people in a relatively short period of time, although I've never met any of them face to face. Those people are the "why" and will always be very important to me. The "place" is the Original Soul Patrol. Was that cheating, Vinny? I hope not, because it's the best answer for the question, and you know it.
Ok, the Bondman thought I cheated on this answer, too, so I will redo it, as well. If I had to choose a real place to visit, it would be the Australian Outback. My reasons are that the area is populated by wonderfully fascinating people and animals, and is probably as physically different from my home region as anywhere on the planet. It's also far, far away from here, and right now, that's where I wish I was.
5) You can choose to change one day in your life. Which is it and why?
I have always tried to live my life without regret, but there are a few days that I would love to have a chance to "do over". The most obvious choice would be the day I said "Yes" when my response should have been to scream omg, and run away, fast! Not too many good things came of that particular event, so I would have no regrets in redoing that day and changing the history of my most recent life.
10 May 2007

26 April 2007
That's when it struck me. It's Thursday. I'm going to tell you all about three things that are important to me. Welcome to my THURSDAY THREE. I'd like to introduce you to the three most important people in my life right now.
1. Brennan. My son. My sunlight. Has there ever been a more positive, cheery, even-tempered, kind 4 year old boy? He had a rocky start, but he's come through everything without lasting effect. I first saw him crawling across the kitchen floor at the home of his foster parents. It was Hallowe'en and he was a roly-poly little Tigger. Bam. Love at first sight. He was eight months old. Seven days later, I signed custody papers and we came home. The adoption was finalized only a few weeks after his first birthday. It hasn't always been easy, but being mommy to this little boy has always been joyful and rewarding.

3. Okay, I wasn't sure if I should include such a recent arrival in my life, but after a lot of consideration, I decided that Victor is definitely important enough to be on my short list. I only met Vic a couple months ago. He and his daughter were newly emigrated from Romania to my town, and he was still struggling with all the changes in his life, including a relatively new language. We met at church, which is where my mother always told me I should strive to meet men ... thanks mom ... and hit it off as friends right away. His little girl is a few months older than Brennan, and they have become fast friends. Although we don't always see eye to eye, Victor has shown me respect, gentleness and consideration beyond anything I've ever witnessed before. It's not just window dressing, either. The respect thing is bred into the bone. And I think his feelings for me influence the rest. Sure, he's opinionated and arrogant beyond belief, but there are worse things, believe me. Besides, I have found that his arrogance to be a source of amusement. And he can laugh at himself! There'd be no hope if he couldn't. I have no idea where we're headed with our relationship, but I am incredibly grateful to have met him. Victor is living proof that a man can be tender and emotional without jeopardizing his masculinity. In fact, there's nothing sexier ...
25 April 2007

24 April 2007

20 April 2007