Today, I lost two students in a car accident. David was 18, had just graduated from high school in June and was accepted in Bachelor of Administration at university. Alina, nearly 17, was about to begin her graduate year at the school where I teach. Two of their friends, both 17, were in the back seat and are in critical condition.
I have known these kids since they came to me in grade 6, 11 years old, wide-eyed and impressionable. David played the trumpet in my band and Alina was my keyboard player. Chris and Stacie are in first and second alto sax seats.
The news hasn't hit the media yet, but the family called me, because I helped Alina through a difficult personal crisis last year and they consider me to be like family. I am blogging now as a sort of catharsis. I am in shock. All I know, and don't understand at all, is that alcohol played a role, and neither David nor Alina were wearing their seatbelts. One day soon, I will address those factors, but not today ... today I am just writing. It won't be a pretty post. Like that matters. I can't tell anyone here yet. Mac has company this weekend, so I can't cry on his shoulder. So I'm blogging. Lol. I already said that, didn't I?
So here are a few lines that I found. They seem appropriate.
They were taken, far too soon, but in our love, they carry on, in our
hearts, forevermore. They were all, far too young, to be taken away like
that, but if we remember, they will be near us. Too soon were they taken
to heaven, but if we try, we can keep them alive inside us, for all of time.