That's when it struck me. It's Thursday. I'm going to tell you all about three things that are important to me. Welcome to my THURSDAY THREE. I'd like to introduce you to the three most important people in my life right now.
1. Brennan. My son. My sunlight. Has there ever been a more positive, cheery, even-tempered, kind 4 year old boy? He had a rocky start, but he's come through everything without lasting effect. I first saw him crawling across the kitchen floor at the home of his foster parents. It was Hallowe'en and he was a roly-poly little Tigger. Bam. Love at first sight. He was eight months old. Seven days later, I signed custody papers and we came home. The adoption was finalized only a few weeks after his first birthday. It hasn't always been easy, but being mommy to this little boy has always been joyful and rewarding.

3. Okay, I wasn't sure if I should include such a recent arrival in my life, but after a lot of consideration, I decided that Victor is definitely important enough to be on my short list. I only met Vic a couple months ago. He and his daughter were newly emigrated from Romania to my town, and he was still struggling with all the changes in his life, including a relatively new language. We met at church, which is where my mother always told me I should strive to meet men ... thanks mom ... and hit it off as friends right away. His little girl is a few months older than Brennan, and they have become fast friends. Although we don't always see eye to eye, Victor has shown me respect, gentleness and consideration beyond anything I've ever witnessed before. It's not just window dressing, either. The respect thing is bred into the bone. And I think his feelings for me influence the rest. Sure, he's opinionated and arrogant beyond belief, but there are worse things, believe me. Besides, I have found that his arrogance to be a source of amusement. And he can laugh at himself! There'd be no hope if he couldn't. I have no idea where we're headed with our relationship, but I am incredibly grateful to have met him. Victor is living proof that a man can be tender and emotional without jeopardizing his masculinity. In fact, there's nothing sexier ...